Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sun wu Kong
I learned that this god was made from stone, also that he has golden eyes. His mother is the goddess of stone and his father is the god of wind.
Thor is the god of lightening and thunder.
No immortal can hold his weapon. 
He was killed by Jormunged with poison. 
Oddin is missing one eye and that eye was sold for wisdom.
He has an adopted son named Loki.
He also carries a weapon and when it is shot it never misses.
Loki killed his brother balder.
His daughters name is hell.
Loki gives birth to an eight legged horse.
Balder is known as the greatest god of all.
He saw that he was going to be killed in his dreams.
After Balder died he ended up going to the underworld where Loki's daughter was.
Freya has 2 cats that are blue.
Her tears that she cried over oddin turned into gold and amber.
She got the souls of people that battled for the safety of loved ones.
 Her head is a mixture of many different animals.
Saved Ra from dying.
Set finally had enough good and turned evil.
Jade Emporer
Jade set out on this big journey to find immortality.
He had to kill this demon to become a god.
He ruled the heavens, underworld and Earth.
He brought fire the humans.
Coyote and Raven keep fighting and wont stop.
He told Raven that he thought immortality is bad, and that everything must come to an end at one point.
He has 49 different immortal children from 49 different women.
At 4 days old Apollo was full grown.
He is the god of sun, prophecy, and oracles.
Horus is the Felcon god.
He is able to take shape of a lion.
At one point Horus became so angry at his mom and chopped her head off.
Osiris is the lord of the underworld.
He was killed by being chopped up into many pieces but his wife put all his pieces back together.
He is the one that decides if people stay in the underworld or are able to go to heaven

Monday, February 17, 2014


I was the sun-god, creator of all things, including humans. Mankind was created by my precious tears. Every tear made someone new and mankind grew larger in time. I lived on the earth and ruled a kingdom. For a long time this kingdom thrived and men respected who I was, but I was beginning to grow old, and they started mocking me. I was very angry when I heard the betrayal of mankind. I gathered some of the gods in secretly, so that humans would know nothing. All the god gathered around me as I told the story of mankind's betrayal. I spoke to my father, about what I should do. My father answered, You should send your eye down and what humans have betrayed you, shall disappear from your world. I thought about what my father had said and I met with the other gods once again to see what they thought would be a good idea.They all agreed that I should send my eye down among the humans in a way that I would be able to see everything. So I sent my eye down, in the form of the goddess Hathor. She went into the hiding places, striking fear in the hearts of men. Much of mankind was killed. Hathor returned to me after the first day as a lioness. She was pleased by the taste of their blood. I realized that Hathor would destroy the human race completely. As angry as I had become all I had wished for was to rule mankind, not destroy it. There was only one way to stop Hathor, I had to trick her. I ordered my servants to brew seven thousand jars of beer and color it red using the blood of those who had been killed. In the morning I had my servants take the beer to the place where Hathor would slaughter the remaining humans. My servants poured the beer on the fields. Hathor came to this place where the beer flooded the fields. Looking down, she saw her own reflection, and it pleased her. She drank deeply of the beer, she then became drunk, and fell asleep. She soon forgot about her quest of revenge on the humans. I had saved the rest of mankind and it could be remade in only the matter of time. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Conflicts have some sort of a resolution at the end of them and Ra's myth happens to be one of them. When Ra tries to get Hathor to stop killing all the human beings because he is starting to pity them. Hathor wont listen to him and is wanting to finish what she is set out to do. Ra has to come up with an idea to stop her. So he pours out red wine over the land that looks like blood and Hathor beings drinking it. She soon then becomes drunk and forget what she was originally set out to do. Ra has saved the last standing human beings on Earth. 
Every story has a climax and in the Myth of Ra's creation of life there is a conflict and with that conflict there comes a climax. The climax in this conflict would be when Ra wants goddess Hathor to kill all the humans because they are not obeying him and are being not to worship him like he wanted all of them to do, so he sends Hathor out to begin killing every one in her site. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Every story or myth has a conflict and in the myth of how Ra created life on earth there is a conflict. The conflict in this story is when Ra sends Hathor to kill all the human beings on earth and then beings to feel pity for them and tries to get her to stop, but she is relentless. She was set on a quest and is wanting to finish. Ra has to find a way to stop her and he doesn't know how. 
The is one other character that is really important in the myth of how Ra the sun god created life and living human beings. The other character mentioned is a goddess named Hathor. She is known for many different roles, some of them are a sky goddess, a sun goddess, a moon goddess, a goddess of the east, a goddess of the west, a goddess of moisture, a goddess of fertility, an agricultural goddess, and a goddess of the mysterious underworld.  She was mostly known for the goddess of motherhood, love and joy.  She has a very protective attitude, she protects pregnant women and a midwife.  Hathor was the patron of all women no matter what. She is also the goddess of music and dancing, and with that she has the symbol of the sitrum. Originally Hathor was worshipped in the form of a cow and sometimes she had a star on her. Later on she took the form of a woman but still had a head of a cow, and soon she finally had a human head to fit her human body.  Once in a while she is saw with ears or horns of a cow. Other ways she is known as is wearing a head-dress resembling a pair of cow horns with the moon-disk between the two horns. Hathor is the daughter of Nut and Ra. She is the wife of Ra and they shared a kid named Ihy. Different legends say she is the mother of Horus the elder and some say as the wife of Horus of Edfu. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The setting of this myth takes place in Egypt in the city of  Heliopolis. In the beginning of this myth people believed that there was only swirling watery chaos, and it was called Nu. From the crazy water the god of Ra was created. This god named Ra created a hill where he first appeared.